These terms of use (the “Terms of Use”) explain the conditions under which you, as a Professional, may use the legal marketing platform hosted at (the “Platform”).

By registering on our Platform as a Professional (paralegal, lawyer, or notary), you agree to be bound by our Terms of Use. If you do not agree, in whole or in part, with the contents of these Terms of Use, please immediately cease all use of the Platform and notify us by e-mail:

For any questions or technical problems, please contact us by e-mail:


Unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions are defined as follows:
  • “Terms of Use”: This document, together with the Privacy Policy, as amended from time to time;
  • “Client”: A person accessing the Platform or one of its satellites for the purpose of being connected with one or more Professionals;
  • “We”:, operating under the name;
  • “Platform”: The legal marketing platform located at;
  • “Privacy Policy”: The document accessible here and forming an integral part of the Terms of Use, as well as any modifications that may be made thereto; and
  • “Professional” or “You”: A legal professional, duly authorized to practice the profession of lawyer, notary, and/or paralegal (depending on the title declared) within the meaning of the laws and regulations applicable in the territory or territories it serves or wishes to serve, registered or in the process of registering on the Platform for the purpose of being connected with Clients;
  • “Lead”: The connection between a Client and a Professional through the exchange of contact information.


We believe that new technologies now offer tools to better meet the challenges of access to justice for Clients and business development for Professionals.

Our Platform aims to connect the right Clients with the right Professionals, simply, quickly, and intelligently. For Professionals, it is a well-thought-out and innovative business development tool.

The fees paid for leads are not subject to or conditional on the opening of a Client’s file. The fees collected by are solely for consulting a Client’s request and for connecting with them.

However, we do not provide legal services. We are not a law firm or notary office. Our role is limited solely to acting as an intermediary between Clients and Professionals for the purpose of putting them in contact. We are therefore in no way responsible for the services rendered, or not rendered, following any introduction via our Platform and make no specific representation or warranty in respect thereof.

We use cookies to facilitate navigation on the Platform and to ensure its proper functioning. For more information on this subject, please consult our Privacy Policy.


The Platform is for your personal use only, and only members in good standing of the various Canadian Bars or the Chamber of Notaries of Quebec can register as Professionals.

By registering and maintaining your registration on the Platform as a Professional, you declare, represent, and warrant that, at all times, until you notify us in writing of your deregistration at

  • You are a member in good standing of the relevant professional order for the territory or territories you serve or wish to serve and are legally authorized to perform the acts reserved for you according to the title you have declared to us (paralegal, lawyer, or notary);
  • You are the Professional you claim to be;
  • Clients will be referred to you based on the information you have posted or communicated to us, particularly by completing your profile on the Platform, and, consequently, that this information is true and that you have not made any false, misleading, or exaggerated statements;
  • Upon receiving a request for an appointment from a Client, you will ensure that you are not in a conflict of interest before accessing the file details;
  • The connection with the Client by does not constitute an offer of legal services and does not bind you to any obligation to open a file;
  • The referred Client is under no obligation to retain your services;
  • During the first contact with a Client, you will quickly clarify the question of professional fees to avoid any misunderstandings;
  • You will treat and serve the Clients we refer to you with the utmost professionalism and always in compliance with the ethical rules to which you are subject due to your profession; and
  • You will protect your account and keep your associated password confidential and not disclose it to anyone, all in accordance with the provisions of section 5 “Account and Password” below.

In the event of non-compliance with any of these declarations, representations, and warranties, we reserve the right to suspend or indefinitely delete your registration without prior notice, and you agree to indemnify us in the event of any claim by a third party arising directly or indirectly from this non-compliance.

To ensure the professionalism with which you serve the Clients we refer to you, you agree, without reservation, that we may collect feedback from them, at our sole discretion, on the professional services rendered.

Finally, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for all professional services rendered to Clients as well as all fees you may incur in the course of your services, and this, to our complete exoneration.


When registering and creating your access account on the Platform, you must provide your true information. You are always responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account and protecting your password, and you must never disclose it to anyone. You agree to notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other security breach and to log off your account at the end of each session.

You can close your account at any time by sending a request by email:


You acknowledge and agree that we own all rights, title, and interest in the Platform, including any intellectual property rights subsisting in the Platform, whether these rights are registered or not and wherever they exist. However, we do not own any rights relating to the professional services you provide to the Clients referred to you via the Platform.

Nothing in the Terms of Use grants you any rights in the Platform other than what is necessary to enable you to access it.

The use of any trademark or any other content from the Platform is prohibited. Nothing on the Platform should be construed as granting a license or right to use any trademark without our written permission.


Once registered as a Professional on the Platform and your fee for leads paid, we will start submitting requests for appointments from Clients to you, according to the preferences you have communicated to us.

Unless otherwise stated in writing by one of our representatives, our obligations towards you will only be of means. Thus, our only obligation will be to take the necessary steps to put you in contact with Clients who seem to meet your criteria, based on what they have declared to us, but we cannot be held responsible if:

  • Clients do not keep their appointments;
  • The declarations provided to us by the Clients are false, misleading, or exaggerated;
  • Clients are insolvent or do not have current and real legal needs;
  • The connections do not lead to the opening of files;
  • Clients do not promptly pay your professional fees;
  • Your leads are not profitable; and
  • You do not exhaust your leads within a minimal time frame.

You acknowledge that by retaining our services, any of the situations below may occur and that, if so, you release us from all liability.

For the sake of clarity, we are not responsible for any damages and/or inconveniences, direct or indirect, arising from the connection or not between Clients and you via our intermediary.


We may suspend or terminate the Platform at any time at our sole discretion. We do not guarantee in any way the continuous and uninterrupted accessibility of the Platform.

You agree that the Platform is provided “as is” and “as available.” We make no representations or warranties regarding the Platform, its functionality, and its content, including, without limitation, the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the content and any warranty of satisfaction or fitness for a particular purpose, that the Platform will meet your needs and expectations, etc. We cannot be held responsible for service interruptions, server failures, technical problems, data loss, or theft.

To the extent permitted by law, we assume no liability for any errors or inaccuracies in any Content, the unavailability of the Site for any reason, and any representations or statements made on the Site.


You agree and covenant to indemnify and exonerate us from and against any and all damages, costs, claims, suits, liabilities, or actions arising from any property damage and personal injury, including death, resulting in any way from the use of our services or Platform, unless such property damage or personal injury is attributable to our gross negligence or gross negligence, or that of a person under our control and direction.

You release us from all liability for any claims, demands, and damages arising from disputes with any Client, Professional, or other third party.


You agree that the Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Ontario, Canada. Any dispute arising out of or relating to these Terms of Use shall be resolved exclusively in the courts located in Toronto, Ontario.


We may make changes to the Terms of Use from time to time. The new version will be published on the Platform. The changes will take effect automatically 60 days after.